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Our Team

We demand to speak to a lawyer!

about us teapot

Glad to hear it. Because our lawyers are, first and foremost, excellent listeners.

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Let us present the facts.
Marks & Worth is a Dunedin-based legal firm with clients across New Zealand and around the world. Our reason for being? Protecting our client’s interests and providing quality legal advice and services throughout your personal and business life. It’s what gets us out of bed every morning. That, and piping-hot double shot flat whites from our local cafe. 

Want to meet Marks & Worth?
Full disclosure: no one here is or was called Marks or Worth. We made those up so that no one partner is more important than the others. No, it’s not very Denny Crane, or Ally McBeal. But that’s because it’s not about us. It’s about you. Before engaging us to look after you and your legal affairs though, you’ll want to know a thing or two about the very real lawyers at Marks & Worth. 

We believe relationships are everything.
Our team is dedicated to understanding your needs, your businesses, your family dynamics, and your unique circumstances to serve you better. The fact that most of our business comes via word of mouth suggests this belief is well-founded. We think fellow Dunedin local and pioneering legal eagle Ethel Benjamin would be proud.

Our Affilliations

Law PlusLiving WageNZ Law SocietyAgreeable

Have a chat with one of our team today.

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